Compiling Project Chrono for Godot 4.0

It doesn't make much sense to compile yet another physics engine for an open source game engine which ships with an internal physics engine already... But I end up doing it anyway... The c# files are generated by swig, but needed some manual fixing. Swig seems to generate a few…

Sidewinder FFB2 Modification (2/2)

There is a one interesting choice for the grip part, the Suncom F15, and there are a few examples of people trying this out (one being shown here: Though it seems that all of the…

Sidewinder FFB2 Modification (1/2)

Sidewinder FFB2 is a great force-feedback joystick and pretty much the only reasonable choice except Logitech G940 in terms of force-feedback flight stick unless you want to throw 4-digit money into something like Brunnel. However as many have complained, its grip is lacking in buttons for flying most modern fighter…

GLSL version definition

In the recent mess-around with opengl on Windows I found out that: (char*)glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION) will yield an error telling me the GLSL version constant is not defined. The solution I documented after some googling is to include "glext.h" and "khrplatform.h" from the Kronos OpenGL…

Photography from Video

computational photography from video The purpose of this project is to create a computational image from videos shot from devices that are not capable of shooting photograph with full shutter/aperture controls (phones, webcams). In principle, camera exposure is an accumulation of photons on sensors (in quantize perspective) over a…